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Calculate Your Help Debt Repayment

HECS-HELP: How much you'll repay in 2023-24

Calculate your HELP debt repayment

The Study and training loan repayment calculator will help you determine the amount of your HELP debt you'll repay in the 2023-24 financial year and beyond.

Repayment thresholds and rates

The repayment thresholds and rates for the 2023-24 financial year are available on the ATO website. The repayment threshold is the minimum amount you must earn before you start repaying your debt. The repayment rate is the percentage of your income above the repayment threshold that you will repay.

Repaying your HELP debt

You can repay your HELP debt through the tax system or through voluntary repayments. If you repay through the tax system, your HELP debt will be automatically deducted from your pay. You can also make voluntary repayments at any time.

Find out more

To learn more about repaying your HELP debt, visit the ATO website or speak to a financial adviser.
